Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Differences in Olive Oils…Extra Virgin, Virgin, Pomace, etc…

Differences in Olive Oils…Extra Virgin, Virgin, Pomace, etc…

Similar to wines, there are so many types of olive oil. Do you have a preference?? Below is a description of all of the different types. Suzy Eats recommends against some of the choices so please make sure you check the label.
Extra-Virgin Olive Oil: This is the highest grade, best you can buy olive oil. It is produced by the first pressing of the olive fruit through a cold pressing process. It is only produced by a physical process NOT a chemical one which makes it the most pure. Remember that extra virgin is a chemical requirement that does not indicate quality and taste. Quality and taste may differ based on the manufacturer and the type of extra virgin olive oil. (see
Flavored Olive Oil: This olive oil can be a mixture of any of the types listed here but it also contains dried herbs.  
Light & Extra Light Olive Oil: Many of these are not really “light” at all. Check the labels because most of them contain the SAME number of calories as regular olive oils and are just a mixture of refined olive oils made chemically. These are usually lower health quality and cost more so Suzy Eats recommends that you CHECK the labels before you buy one of these :-)
Olive-Pomace Oil: This is made of a refined olive-pomace oil and virgin olive oil blended together. It is not a healthy choice and Suzy Eats recommends you do not buy it.
Organic Oil: Organic oil can be any of these types of olive oils. It is simply organic made from the purest olives and is the most natural form of olive oil.
Pure Olive Oil: Pure olive oil or just plain olive oil is manufacturered from either the second cold pressing or a chemical process of the olive mash leftovers from the first pressing. It is usually lighter in color and has a more bland taste compared to virgin olive oils. It is great for every day olive oil use and it is pure because no non-olive oils are mixed in with it during the manufacturing process. 
Refined Olive-Pomace Oil: This is manufactured chemically by using olive pomace and solvents.  It uses a process that does not cause alterations in the structure BUT it is still not a healthy choice and Suzy Eats recommends that you do not buy it. 
Refined Olive Oil: This is usually made by a chemical process of refining a virgin olive oil. Refined olive oil usually has no taste with average or below average flavor and an unpleasant odor.
Virgin Olive Oil: The main difference between extra virgin olive oil and virgin olive oil is that the olives used in virgin olive oil are slightly riper than those in extra virgin. It is still made in the same way by the first pressing of the olive fruit; however, some may say it is a lower-grade compared to extra virgin olive oil. We think it is still definitely healthy. 

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